How to Draw an Angry Black Panther Roaring 20

Step 20: Darken the triangle-like arc on the top, left side of the head for the black panther's first ear. Now darken the arc on the right to create the other ear. The ears are flipped back, so draw a line across the middle of the ear on the right for the ear's opening.


How to Draw an Angry Black Panther Roaring 21

Step 21: Use the main circle as a guide to draw the rest of the head. Follow the basic path of the circle but draw the left side of the head a bit closer to the eye. Make the top part of the head a bit flatter. Add a long, curved line on the lower, right side for the panther's strong jaw.

How to Draw an Angry Black Panther Roaring 22

Step 22: Use the leftmost line under the body as a guide to draw the black panther's first front leg. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the leg around it. The top part of the leg should be thick and gradually get thinner toward the bottom. Use curved lines where the joints are. Curve the overall shape of the leg to conform to the path of the guide line.

When you get the structure of the leg right, darken the lines. At the tip of the foot, draw three curved, spike- like shapes that come to a point for the panther's claws. Add a short, curved line in between each claw to separate the individual toes. Notice the bumps along the shape of the foot and leg that indicate the joints and muscle structure.


How to Draw an Angry Black Panther Roaring 23

Step 23: Use the angled line on the right as a guide to draw the other front leg the same way. Follow the basic path of the guide as you draw the shape of the leg around it. Most of the leg will be behind the body. Draw the panther's spike-like claws at the tip of the foot. Because of the angle, not all the toes will be visible.

How to Draw an Angry Black Panther Roaring 24

Step 24: Use the line on the far right side as a guide to draw the hind leg that's on this side of the body. Sketch lightly at first to get the shape right. Notice how the shape curves near the middle to create the joint. When you get the structure of the black panther's leg right, darken the lines. Add the sharp claws at the tip of the foot using curved spike-like shapes. The leg is bent, so it shouldn't be too long. The lower part of the leg should be shifted to the right a bit.

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