How to Draw a Running Horse


Please PAUSE the "How to Draw a Horse Running" video after each step to draw at your own pace.


Time-Lapse (Speed Drawing) video:


Written step-by-step video tutorial:


For the first few steps, don't press down too hard with your pencil. Use light, smooth strokes to begin.


Draw Running Horse 1

Step 1: Draw two circles as guides for the horse's body. First draw some marks for the height and width of the circle, then connect the marks using curved lines. The circles don't have to be perfect. They're just guides. If you do want a perfect circle, trace the outer rim of a glass or anything else circular. The two circles should be about the same size. Don't draw them too far apart, otherwise your horse will be too long. Leave enough room on the sides and bottom for the horse's head, tail and legs.


Draw Running Horse 2

Step 2: Draw another circle on the top, left side as a guide for the horse's head. This circle should be about one- fifth the size of the first ones.

Draw Running Horse 3

Step 3: Draw a U-shaped arc on the lower, left side of the head as a guide for the horse's muzzle. The arc should be wider at the top, next to the circle, and narrower at it's tip.


Draw Running Horse 4

Step 4: Draw two small, triangle-like shapes on the head as guides for the horse's ears. The end result should be similar to a slanted letter M.

Draw Running Horse 5

Step 5: Draw a series of curved lines that connect the major shapes to form the rest of the horse's body. Draw two curved lines on the left to to create the neck and two more in the middle to complete the torso. Add another long, curved line coming from the top, right side of the body as a guide for the tail.

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