Draw a Manatee

Please PAUSE the "How to Draw a Manatee" video after each step to draw at your own pace.

For the first few steps, don't press down too hard with your pencil. Use light, smooth strokes to begin.

Draw Manatee 1

Step 1: Draw a big circle as a guide for the manatee's body. The circle doesn't have to be perfect. It's just a guide. Leave enough room on the sides for the head and tail.

Draw Manatee 2

Step 2: Draw a smaller circle on the right side as a guide for the manatee's head. The circle should be about one-fourth the size of the first one. Don't place the circles too far apart or the manatee will end up too long.

Draw Manatee 3

Step 3: Draw a small arc on the lower left side of the manatee's head as a guide for the muzzle. Manatees have somewhat flat muzzles, so the arc should be short and square-like in shape.

Draw Manatee 4

Step 4: Draw a few more curved lines as a guide for the rest of the manatee's body. Add a couple of lines that connect the two circles to form the front part of the body. Draw a long, sideways arc on the left side of the circle as a guide for the back part of the body.

Draw Manatee 5

Step 5: Draw a small U-shaped arc under the front part of the body as a guide for the manatee's flippers.
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