How to Draw Angry Charging Cartoon Rhino Rhinoceros


Please PAUSE the "How to Draw a Rhinoceros (Cartoon)" video after each step to draw at your own pace.


Written step-by-step video tutorial:


For the first few steps, don't press down too hard with your pencil. Use light, smooth strokes to begin.


How to Draw Angry Charging Cartoon Rhino Rhinoceros 1

Step 1: Draw a short, sloping line for the charging rhino's eyebrow. Curve the tips of the lines and draw an extra-short line on the left to emphasize the brow's thickness.


How to Draw Angry Charging Cartoon Rhino Rhinoceros 2

Step 2: Below the eyebrow, draw a curved line for the bottom edge of the eye. Inside the eye, on the left side, draw a big dot for the rhino's pupil.


How to Draw Angry Charging Cartoon Rhino Rhinoceros 3

Step 3: To the lower left of the eye, draw a small curved line for the base of the horn. At the top of the base, draw a long curved line for the top side of the rhino's horn. Draw another curved line at the bottom to finish the shape of the pointy horn.


How to Draw Angry Charging Cartoon Rhino Rhinoceros 4

Step 4: Under the horn, draw a long curved line for the muzzle. On the right side, curve the line up and then down to create the rhino's mouth.


How to Draw Angry Charging Cartoon Rhino Rhinoceros 5

Step 5: To the left of the mouth, draw a couple of small lines for the nostril. To the right of the mouth, draw a couple more lines for the rhino's lower lip and chin.

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