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Please PAUSE the "How to Draw a Smilodon" video after each step to draw at your own pace.
For the first few steps, don't press down too hard with your pencil. Use light, smooth strokes to begin.

Step 1: Draw two circles as guides for the smilodon's body. The circles don't have to be perfect. They're just guides. The circles should be about the same size. Don't place them too far apart, otherwise the smilodon will be too long.

Step 2: Draw a tilted rectangle on the left side of the circles as a guide for the smilodon's head. The rectangle should be about a quarter the size of the first circle, and the lower, right corner should touch the edge of the circle.

Step 3: Draw two intersecting lines inside the head to help you when learning how to draw the smilodon's facial features later.

Step 4: Draw two arc-like shapes on the left side of the head as guides for the saber-tooth tiger's top and lower jaw. The top jaw should be bigger and directly on the side of the smilodon's head. The lower jaw should be small and on the lower left corner of the head.

Step 5: Draw a rounder arc on the upper right side of the smilodon's head as a guide for the ear.