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Please PAUSE the "How to Draw a Hermit Crab" video after each step to draw at your own pace.
For the first few steps, don't press down too hard with your pencil. Use light, smooth strokes to begin.

Step 1: Draw a circle as a guide for the top part of the shell that will house the hermit crab. The circle doesn't have to be perfect. It's just a guide. Leave enough room on the right side for the hermit crab's actual body.

Step 2: Inside the circle, draw two intersecting lines. These lines will help you place the shell's detail later on.

Step 3: Draw two curved lines that come to a point on the lower left side of the circle for the bottom part of the hermit crab's shell.

Step 4: Draw a couple of lines on the lower right side of the circle for the first set of the hermit crab's legs. Start the lines at the horizontal guide line. Angle the lines along the way to indicate where the leg's joints will be.

Step 5: Draw a curved line on the side of the circle as a guide for the hermit crab's head and two tiny arcs on the head as a guide for the eyes.