How to Draw a Wood Duck Male Drake Carolina 6

Step 6: Draw a wavy, S-shaped line from the left side of the head to the body as the guide for the bird's neck. Under the head, close to the bill, draw an even longer S-shaped line as the other edge of the wood duck's neck.

How to Draw a Wood Duck Male Drake Carolina 7

Step 7: Below the middle of the body, draw a small, L-shaped line as a guide for the foot. On the left side of the body, draw a big, angular line as a guide for the wood duck's tail. Make the shape almost square-like.

How to Draw a Wood Duck Male Drake Carolina Guides Lines

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.

How to Draw a Wood Duck Male Drake Carolina 8

Step 8: Inside the head, lightly sketch a small circle for the eye. Use the initial lines as guides for placement. When you get the size and position of the wood duck's eye right, darken the shape. Inside the eye, off to the side, draw a tiny circle for highlight. In the middle of the eye, draw a big dot for the pupil. Don't overlap the highlight circle. Draw a few curved lines around the eye for extra detail.

How to Draw a Wood Duck Male Drake Carolina 9

Step 9: Use the initial arc on the right side of the head as a guide to draw the bill. Follow the basic path of the arc and draw the top part of the bill but make the line a bit wavier. Near the bottom of the arc, draw a long, sloping line for the wood duck's mouth. Curve the tip of the bill down and make it pointy. Darken the left side for the base of the bill. Darken the bottom part of the arc for the lower half of the bill. Inside the top part of the bill, draw a small, oval-like shape for the nostril. On the top part, draw a curved line for the thicker base of the bird's bill.

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