How to Draw a Shoebill Whale-headed Stork Bird 10

Step 10: Darken the bottom part of the arc to create the bottom of the bill. Draw a series of short strokes at the top to finish the base of the shoebill stork's bill. Draw a line on the top part of the bill for a crease and an extra small line at the top for the nostril.

How to Draw a Shoebill Whale-headed Stork Bird 11

Step 11: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the shape of the shoebill's head. Darken the edge of the circle but make the top part a bit flatter. On the top, right side, draw the tuft of feathers using a series of short, curved lines. Don't draw every individual feather, just the overall shape of the clump of feathers using curved lines. Darken the right edge of the circle for the back of the head. Add a few lines inside the bird's head for extra detail.

How to Draw a Shoebill Whale-headed Stork Bird 12

Step 12: Use the line on the right as a guide to draw the shoebill stork's first leg. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the bird's leg around it. Add an extra bump near the middle to indicate the joint on the leg. Draw the shape of the stork's middle toe around the bent part of the guide. Make the tip pointy for the nail. Draw two more toes on the sides of the middle toe using thin, long shapes with curved pointy tips for the bird's nails. Draw one more toe that points backward using another thin, long shape.

How to Draw a Shoebill Whale-headed Stork Bird 13

Step 13: Use the line on the left as a guide to draw the shoebill stork's other leg the same way. Draw the shape of the leg around the guide. Add a small bump near the middle for the joint. Draw the edges of the leg close to the guide so that they're skinny. Draw some creases on the joints too. Use the bent part of the line at the bottom as a guide to draw the bird's toes. The toes on this foot will be partly hidden by the first foot, so only draw the visible parts.

How to Draw a Shoebill Whale-headed Stork Bird 14

Step 14: Draw a long, curved line across the entire body for the shoebill's folded wing. Sketch the wing lightly at first and only darken the line when you get the shape right. Draw a few short strokes along the path of the wing for a feathery texture. Add a few short, curved lines within the shape of the folded wing for more detail on the shoebill stork's feathers.

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