How to Draw a Shoebill Whale-headed Stork Bird 6

Step 6: Under the first circle, draw a long line that bends at the bottom as a guide for the shoebill stork's first leg. This guide should be similar to a backward letter L. It should be almost as long as the bird's entire body.

How to Draw a Shoebill Whale-headed Stork Bird 7

Step 7: To the left, draw another long, line that bends at the bottom as a guide for the shoebill's other leg.

How to Draw a Shoebill Whale-headed Stork Bird Guide Lines

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.

How to Draw a Shoebill Whale-headed Stork Bird 8

Step 8: Inside the head, near the middle, draw a small circle for the shoebill stork's eye. At the top of the eye, draw a thick line for the eyelashes. Inside the eye, off to the side, draw a tiny circle for glare. In the middle of the eye, draw a big dot for the pupil. Don't overlap the glare circle as you draw the pupil. Draw a few curved lines around the eye for the detail on the bird's feathers.

How to Draw a Shoebill Whale-headed Stork Bird 9

Step 9: Use the initial arc as a guide to draw the top part of the shoebill stork's sloping bill. Follow the path of the guide but make the shape thinner. Make the tip hooked and pointy. Near the bottom of the initial arc, curve the line up toward the eye to create the mouth. Use a series of short strokes for the feathery base of the bill. The base should be very close to the eye. Sketch lightly at first and only darken the lines when you get the shape of the bird's bill right.

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