Step 10: Draw the alligator snapping turtle's tongue inside the mouth using a couple of curved lines. Inside the tongue, draw a thin, curvy shape for the small worm-like section that the turtle uses as a fish lure. Add a few more lines around the mouth for extra detail.
Step 11: Use the remaining shapes as guides to draw the rest of the turtle's head. Darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of the head. Inside the head, draw a few curved lines and spike- like shapes for the wrinkles and rough skin.
Step 12: Use the second line from the right as a guide to draw the turtle's front leg. Lightly sketch the shape of the leg around the guide using curved lines. The top of the leg should be inside the body. Make the shape of the leg thick. When you get the shape right, darken the lines. As you darken the shape of the leg, use a series of triangle-like lines along the way for the rough skin. The leg should be short and stubby. The big base of leg should curve in toward the body. At the tip of the turtle's foot, draw a series of curved pointy lines for the claws. Draw a few curved lines along the bottom edge of the leg for the wrinkles.
Step 13: Use the curved lines to the left of the head as guides to draw the snapper's thick neck. Darken the outer edges of the guides and use curved lines to create the deep creases on the neck. Use a series of triangle-like lines inside the shape of the neck for the spikes on the skin.
Step 14: Use the right-most line under the body as a guide to draw the other front leg the same way. Draw the shape of the leg around the guide. Make the leg thick and stubby. Add the turtle's claws along the bottom. They should be similar in shape to the letter V. Add a few curved lines within the shape of the leg for the wrinkles.