Step 15: Use the curved lines on the head as guides to draw the minotaur's horns. First draw a series of quick, short strokes along the bottom of the lines for the base of the horns. Then draw the shape of the first horn around the guide line. Make the shape of the horn thick at the bottom and pointy at the top. Now use the line on the right side to draw the other horn the same way. Curve the tips of the horn outward a bit.
Step 16: Use the small arcs on the sides of the head as guides to draw the minotaur's ears. Darken the outer edges to create the shape of the ears. Add a few quick, short strokes inside for the hair.
Step 17: Use the remaining lines as guides to draw the rest of the minotaur's head. Darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of the head. Draw a series of quick, short strokes within the head to create a furry texture. Add a long line made up of quick, short strokes along the top of the head that stretches toward the back.
Step 18: Use the initial oval around the head as a guide to draw the minotaur's chest. Darken the bottom edge of the oval and curve the line upward in the middle to divide the pectoral muscles. Make the top part extra tall so that it looks like a small hill and gives the minotaur a hump.
Step 19: Darken the outer edges of the shape under the chest to create the middle part of the torso. Add a few curved lines within the torso to emphasize the minotaur's abdominal muscles.