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Step 6: Draw a couple of arcs under the sea turtle's body as guides for the flipper-like feet. The shape of the flippers should resemble the letter U with a diagonal orientation. Place the front one under the neck and the hind one near the tip of the shell.

That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.

Step 7: Draw the sea turtle's eye as a small oval on the upper right side of the head using the lines as guides for placement. Inside the eye draw a tiny circle to represent glare. Draw another circle for the pupil and shade it in. Shade in the rest of the sea turtle's eye using a value that's lighter than the pupil. Draw a couple of lines that surround the eye for extra detail.

Step 8: Draw the mouth by using the front part of the oval as a guide. Draw a curved line under the eye that extends toward the inside of the oval for the mouth. Follow the path of the original oval to create the top part of the sea turtle's mouth. Draw another curved line under the mouth for the chin.

Step 9: Use the original oval as a guide to draw the rest of the sea turtle's head. Follow the path of the oval as you darken the line that makes up the top and bottom of the head.