Draw Flamingo Bird 10

Step 10: Use the S-shaped line as a guide to draw the flamingo's neck. Follow the path of the guide line as you make the neck thicker. Draw the neck lightly at first. Once you get the structure right, darken the lines. The neck gets wider at the bottom where it meets the body.

Draw Flamingo Bird 11

Step 11: Use the circle and angled line as guides to draw the flamingo's wing. Draw the first two rows of feathers inside the circle. The top row of feathers are short and pointy. The second row has longer and rounder feathers. The feathers on the right side are shorter and narrower. The flamingo's feathers on the the left are angled like a series of slashes (///).

Draw Flamingo Bird 12

Step 12: Draw the rest of the flamingo's body using the remaining shapes and lines as guides. Darken the top of the body as you follow the top path of the circle. Draw a few lines on the lower left side for the short tail. Finish the bottom part of the flamingo's body and add the base of the foot near the middle where the long line is.

Draw Flamingo Bird 13

Step 13: Use the long line as a guide to draw the flamingo's leg. Follow the path of the line and make the leg thicker. Draw a bump near the middle for the joint. Draw the foot bending forward at the bottom as you follow the angle of the line. Flamingos typically rest on one leg, so don't draw the leg on the other side. Draw short lines to indicate the toes, then connect them using curved lines to create the webbing. Draw a line under the flamingo's tail for the leg that's bent backward and tucked under the body.



Draw Flamingo Bird 14

Step 14 (optional): For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. Don't worry about erasing all of the guides. It's okay to leave some behind. Also re-draw any final sketch lines that you may have accidentally erased.

Draw Flamingo Bird

Final Step (optional): Flamingos are colorful, so instead of the usual shading, try coloring your drawing. Shadows are usually at the cool end of the spectrum, so use blue and purple to shade. Pick the direction of the light source to draw the shadows consistently. Add some gray on top to dull down the blue of the shadows. The tip of the beak is black. Add some yellow to the eye. Here's the fun part. Add the different shades of pink all over the flamingo's body! Add some red to the tips of the wing and some of the body. The coloration depends on the species of the flamingo. Greater flamingos are more pale and don't have as much red or pink as American flamingos. Add different shades of pink all over the body. Vary the pressure on your pencil to get different shades of pink. Use reference for greater accuracy of the coloration. But don't worry about making it perfect. Have fun with it!

Draw a cast shadow underneath. This helps ground the flamingo so it doesn't appear to be floating. Use blue for the shadow, then dull it down a bit using gray. Add more gray to dull your drawing down and more pink to brighten it up. Keep adding color until you're happy with the result. Remember to pause the "How to Draw a Flamingo" video to draw at your own pace.

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