How to Draw a Rhesus Macaque Monkey Sitting 20

Step 20: Use the shapes on the lower, left side as guides to draw the monkey's other leg and foot. Use short strokes to darken the top line to create the furry leg. On the lower, right side of the foot, draw a short, curved shape for the thumb-like toe. Within the small, square-like guide at the bottom, draw a series of short, angled lines to separate the toes. Under the body, on the sides, draw a couple of sloping lines so that the macaque has something to sit on.

How to Draw a Rhesus Macaque Monkey Sitting 21

Step 21: For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. Don't worry about erasing all of the guides. It's okay to leave some behind. Re-draw any final sketch lines you may have accidentally erased.

How to Draw a Rhesus Macaque Monkey Sitting

Final Step: Shade your macaque drawing for extra detail. Shade lightly at first and gradually build up to darker values. For light values, push down very lightly on your pencil and push down harder for darker values. As you shade the body, use strokes that go in the general direction of the fur. The strokes on the head should radiate out from the middle while the strokes on the body should be mainly vertical. Use a smoother and lighter value on the bare section of the face. Use a light value for the fur on the chest too. As you shade, separate each stroke a bit so that the white of the paper comes through and creates a more furry texture. Use a dark value for the inside of the eyes and a light value for the irises.

Add a darker value throughout the body to create shadows. Pick a light source as you shade so that the shadows are consistent. Here the light source is coming from the top, so most of the shadows are on the underside of the shapes. It's a good idea to use reference as you shade for a more accurate depiction of a rhesus macaque monkey. Shading can be time-consuming, so be patient and take breaks. For a more detailed guide on how to shade, check out this tutorial: How to shade.

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