Step 15: Use the line on the left as a guide to draw the markhor's other horn the same way. Start by drawing the shape of the base. The base of this horn should be triangular and it should be similar to an upside-down letter V. Use short strokes at the bottom for fur. Above that, draw the middle section of the horn. The right edge of this section should be similar to the letter Y. The left edge should be made up of a couple of angled lines.
Step 16: Close off the middle section of the markhor's horn using a long curved line. On top of that, draw the tip of the horn around the rest of the guide line. Use a couple of curved lines for the right side and more angular lines on the left side. Make the tip of the horn thin and pointy.
Step 17: Use the arcs on the sides as guides to draw the markhor's ears. Darken the arcs but make the shape a bit pointier at the top. Stretch the bottom part of the ear on the right farther inside the head. Use a few short, curved lines inside the shapes of the ears for the openings and fur.
Step 18: Below the ear on the left, draw and angled line along the shape of the initial circle for the side of the markhor's head. Draw a series of short strokes along the bottom edge of the guides for the base of the beard-like fur. Farther down below the head, draw longer strokes for the bottom tips of the beard. Curve the path of these strokes up toward the ear on the right. Add a few more short strokes inside the head to give the head more structure and fur detail.
Step 19: Use the line on the far left as a guide to draw the markhor's first front leg. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the leg around it. The top part of the shape should be wide and the bottom narrow. Angle the bottom part to the left for the foot. When you get the shape of the leg right, darken the lines. Use short strokes at the top for fur and smoother strokes at the bottom. The bottom part of the foot should be flat for the hoof. Add a few short strokes to the top of the hoof for fur.