How to Draw a Russian Winter White Dwarf Hamster 10

Step 10: Above the nose, draw a series of short strokes along the initial circle for the top of the muzzle. Under the nose, draw a couple of lines that are made up of short strokes and that curve to the right for the mouth. The dwarf hamster's mouth should stretch outside of the initial circle. Above the mouth, draw a few dashed lines for the bases of the whiskers.

How to Draw a Russian Winter White Dwarf Hamster 11

Step 11: Darken the arc on the top, right side of the head to create the hamster's first ear. Stretch the bottoms of the lines farther inside the head to make the ear longer. Add strokes near the top for fur. Add more strokes along the bottom of the shape for more fur at the base. Darken the arc on the left for the other ear. Inside, draw a line for the edge of the ear and a series of strokes for fur.

How to Draw a Russian Winter White Dwarf Hamster 12

Step 12: Use the big initial circle as a guide to draw the rest of the dwarf hamster's head. Draw a series of short strokes along the edge of the circle to create the shape of the furry head. Draw the short strokes on the left close to the eye to make the top of the head skinnier than the initial circle. Draw the strokes farther left from the muzzle to make the bottom of the head wider for the cheeks. On the right side, draw the strokes farther to the right than the edge of the circle for bigger cheeks. On the bottom, draw the strokes higher than the edge of the circle. Don't close off the shape at the bottom.

How to Draw a Russian Winter White Dwarf Hamster 13

Step 13: Use the second line from the left as a guide to draw the dwarf hamster's first front foot. Draw a series of thin, short arcs on the left side of this line for the small toes. The toes at the bottom should be even smaller. Draw a line that's made up of short strokes that curves up into the body for the furry top part of the hamster's foot.

How to Draw a Russian Winter White Dwarf Hamster 14

Step 14: Use the line on the left as a guide to draw the other front leg the same way. Draw a series of thin, short arcs along the bottom of the guide for the toes. Don't add the fur at the top. Draw the toes for the hind foot along the bottom of the line on the right. Make these toes a bit bigger. The top of the foot should also be longer. Add some short strokes along the top for fur.

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