How to Draw a Dragon Flying Wings 6

Step 6: On top of the first circle, draw two long, curved lines as guides for the wings. The first lines should curve to the top, right side, and it should angle a bit near the middle. Pay attention to the length of these lines in relation to the dragon's body. The longer the lines, the bigger the wings. The second line should curve to the top, left side. Bend the middle section a bit. The second line should be a little smaller than the first line.

How to Draw a Dragon Flying Wings Guides Lines

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.

How to Draw a Dragon Flying Wings 7

Step 7: Inside the head, near the middle, lightly sketch a small triangle for the eye. Don't make the dragon's eye too big. When you get the size and position right, darken the shape. Draw a curved line over the eye for the lower edge of the thick brow. Draw a series of small, pointy shapes above the eye for the thick, spiky brow.

How to Draw a Dragon Flying Wings 8

Step 8: Draw a curved spike at the tip of the initial arc for the front part of the muzzle. Lightly sketch a long, jagged line across the bottom for the arc for the mouth. Draw the line for the mouth as far right as the eye. Use jagged shapes of different sizes for the teeth. When you get the shape of the mouth and teeth right, darken the line. Dragons are mythical creatures, so you can add as many or as few teeth as you like. On the top part of the muzzle, draw a couple of tiny, curved lines for the nostrils.

How to Draw a Dragon Flying Wings 9

Step 9: Darken the top part of the initial arc to complete the top of the muzzle. Draw a series of jagged lines along the top edge of the circle for the spiky brow on the other side. Darken the lower edge of the guides and curve the far right side up for the strong jaw.

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