Step 15: Use the line in the middle of the wing as a guide to draw the flying fox's bottom digit. Follow the path of the guide as you draw the thin shape of the digit. Curve the overall shape a bit. Add a few bumps along the thin shape for joints. The base of the shape should be wide. Above that, lightly sketch a long, sloping line for the last digit. Darken the line when you get the shape right. Add another line on top to make the shape slightly thicker. This digit should bend a bit near the edge. The tip should extend outside of the edge of the guide on the right.
Step 16: Connect the tips of the top two digits using a curved line for the first part of the edge of the wing. Use a slightly longer curved line to connect the tips of the digits below that. Darken the curved guide at the bottom to finish the right edge of the flying fox's first wing. Darken the guides at the top and add a small line that connects to the thumb for the top edge of the bat's wing. Draw a long, curved line from the shoulder to the thumb to complete the first wing.
Step 17: Darken the long, sloping line at the bottom for the top edge of the bat's leg. Below that, draw a curved line that's made up of short strokes for the thick, furry base of the leg. To the right, draw a wavy line along the path of the sloping guide for the bottom edge of the leg. On the right side, draw a few small, thin, pointy shapes for the claws at the end of the flying fox's toes.
Step 18: Use the initial circles and lines at the bottom as guides to draw the rest of the flying fox's body. Simply darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of the bat's body. Use short strokes along the path of the guides for a furry texture on the body. Above the first foot, draw the other foot peeking from behind the wing. Use the first foot as a template to draw the second foot. Make the shape thin and add the claws at the end. Use short strokes along the top edge of the guides for the section of the body that attaches to the bat's wing.
Step 19: On the left edge of the other wing, where the line bends, draw a small, thin shape for the other thumb. When you get the position and shape right, darken the lines and add a thin, pointy tip for the bat's claw. Darken the guide below that for the first part of the wing. Add a parallel line inside the shape for detail. Follow the basic path of the guide at the top to draw the upper edge of the flying fox's wing. Darken the edge using a series of small, curved lines for the stretched skin attached to the digits. Inside the shape, draw a few lines for the indentations of the digits on the other side.