Step 15: Use the second line from the right as a guide to draw the first arm. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the baboon's arm around it. When you get the shape of the arm right, darken the lines. Use short strokes on the right side for fur. Make the top of the arm wide and gradually make it narrower toward the bottom. At the bottom, draw a couple thin, long arcs pointing to the right for the fingers. Draw the fingers along the guide and make them thin and almost flat. Add some fur on the wrist.
Step 16: Use the line on the right as a guide to draw the monkey's other arm the same way. Draw the shape of the arm around the guide. Sketch lightly at first. When you get the sloping shape of the arm right, darken the lines. Make the top part of the arm wider than the bottom. Curve the wrist downward a bit. At the bottom, draw a small, U-shaped line for the baboon's thumb. On the right, add a couple of thin, long shapes for the fingers. Use a series of short strokes along the left edge for a furry texture.
Step 17: Use the angled line to the left as a guide to draw the baboon's first leg. Draw the leg the same way. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the leg around it. The top part of the leg should be a lot wider than the bottom part. Darken the left edge of the shape using short strokes for the fur. Follow the curvature of the initial circle as you draw the top part of the monkey's leg. At the bottom, draw a few thin, long shapes that point to the right for the toes.
Step 18: Use the line to the left as a guide to draw the other leg the same way. Make the top of the monkey's leg wider than the bottom and slope the shape to the lower, left side. Use short strokes for a furry texture. Part of the top of this leg will be hidden behind the first leg. On the bottom, left side, draw a thin, long, U-shaped line for the first toe. The baboon's foot should bend at the bottom. To the right of where the foot bends, draw a few thin, short arcs that point to the right for the other toes.
Step 19: Darken the curved line on the left side for the bottom edge of the baboon's tail. Using a series of short strokes, draw the wide base of the tail around the guide line on the top, left side of the initial circle. Draw a parallel line to the left of the initial guide to create the top edge of the tail.