How to Draw a Tapir Malayan Asian Indian Side 6

Step 6: Under the first circle, draw a long vertical line as a guide for the tapir's first front leg. Bend the lines near the top and bottom to indicate where the tapir's joints and feet will be. To the right, draw a line that slopes and then bends at the bottom as a guide for the other front leg.

How to Draw a Tapir Malayan Asian Indian Side 7

Step 7: Under the circle on the left, draw a line that slopes to the left and then bends at the bottom as a guide for the tapir's first hind leg. To the right, draw a line that bends in the middle and at the bottom as a guide for the other hind leg.

How to Draw a Tapir Malayan Asian Indian Side 8

Step 8: Draw two short, curved lines that connect the head to the body as a guide for the neck. Draw two longer curved lines that connect the first two circles to complete the guide for the tapir's body.

How to Draw a Tapir Malayan Asian Indian Side Guides Lines

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.

How to Draw a Tapir Malayan Asian Indian Side 9

Step 9: Inside the head, near the right edge, lightly sketch a small oval for the eye. When you get the size and position of the eye right, darken the lines but make the sides pointier like a tiny football. Shade the inside of the eye. If you can, leave a tiny circle blank for highlight. Draw a short, curved line above and below the eye to give the tapir's face more structure.

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