Step 10: Inside the head, near the right edge, draw a small, angled line for the lion's eye. The eye should be similar to a less-than sign (<). Draw a short, curved line on the right to close off the shape. Sketch the shape lightly at first. When you get the size and position of it right, darken the lines. Inside the eye, near the top, draw a tiny circle for a highlight. Below that, draw a dot for the pupil. Add a small, angled line on the right for the corner of the lion's eye. Draw a few short strokes around the eye for fur.
Step 11: Inside the muzzle, near the tip, lightly sketch a small triangle for the lion's nose. When you get the size and position of the nose right, darken the shape. Use a series of short strokes as you darken the top edge for a bit of fur. Draw a couple of short, curved lines on the left edge to create the nostrils.
Step 12: Below the lion's nose, draw a wavy line that stretches to the left for the mouth. The line should almost touch the edge of the initial circle. Remember to sketch lightly at first.
Step 13: Follow the basic path of the initial guide to draw the top part of the muzzle. Make the line wavier than the guide. Below the mouth, draw a curved line for the chin. Use a series of short strokes to draw the shape to give the lion's chin a furry texture. Add an extra curved line on the left side, below the tip of the mouth.
Step 14: Darken the basic edge of the initial circle to create the top part of the head. Follow the path of the circle but make the shape of the head more angular. Add a few short strokes inside the head for extra detail on the fur. To the left of the nose, draw a few wavy lines and dashes for the base of the lion's whiskers.