How to Draw Angry German Shepherd Dog Barking Head Detail 10

Step 10: Use the oval inside the muzzle as a guide to draw the dog's nose. Darken the top edge of the nose and curve the sides inward. At the end of the curved line on the right, draw a small oval for the first nostril. To the left, draw another small circle for the other nostril. Darken the lower half of the nose but make the shape thinner than the original circle. Make the bottom of the nose pointy and draw a short line at the bottom for extra detail.

How to Draw Angry German Shepherd Dog Barking Head Detail 11

Step 11: Darken the bottom edge of the initial oval for the muzzle for the first part of the barking German shepherd dog's open mouth. Continue to draw the line to the right and follow the other line as a guide. Make the line wavier as you follow the path of the guide. Add an extra line at the top for the lip.

How to Draw Angry German Shepherd Dog Barking Head Detail 12

Step 12: At the top of the mouth, near the right, draw a small triangular shape for the first canine tooth. Don't draw the tip too pointy. The overall shape should be cone-like. On the left side, just below the nose, draw a few smaller triangular shapes for the German shepherd's front teeth. The front teeth on the outer edges should be a bit bigger than the ones in the middle. The teeth in front should also not be so pointy. They should be flatter along the bottom. Sketch lightly at first so that you can fit all the teeth at the top and then darken the shapes. On the left side, draw a long V-shaped line for the dog's other canine. Don't overlap the front teeth.

How to Draw Angry German Shepherd Dog Barking Head Detail 13

Step 13: Follow the basic path of the guide at the bottom to draw the bottom of the German shepherd dog's mouth. Before hitting the bottom of the guide, curve the line to the left and make it wavy for the lower lip.

How to Draw Angry German Shepherd Dog Barking Head Detail 14

Step 14: At the bottom of the lip, draw a small triangular shape for the first lower canine. Don't make the tip too pointy. The shape should be like a cone. To the left, draw a series of small, square-like shapes for the German shepherd dog's front teeth. On the far left, draw another curved, cone-like shape for the other lower canine.

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