How to Draw an Emperor Moth Wings Insect 10

Step 10: Use the guides on the right to draw the other forewing the same way. Start with the top edge. Curve the outer tip of the line down. Continue drawing the side of the wing as you follow the path of the guides. Draw the lower edge of the forewing as a sloping line that connects to the thorax. Try to draw both of the emperor moth's forewings the same way, but it's okay if they're not perfectly symmetrical.

How to Draw an Emperor Moth Wings Insect 11

Step 11: Follow the basic path of the initial guide to draw the moth's hindwing below the forewing. Make the shape curvier. The side and lower edges of the hindwing should overlap the initial guide lines a bit.

How to Draw an Emperor Moth Wings Insect 12

Step 12: On the right, draw a curved line along the bottom guide for the visible part of the emperor moth's other hindwing.

How to Draw an Emperor Moth Wings Insect 13

Step 13: Draw a small circle inside each wing for the pattern. The circles don't have to be perfect. Emperor moths like this one have a circle pattern on their wings, but you can design yours differently if you'd like.

How to Draw an Emperor Moth Wings Insect 14

Step 14: Add more of the pattern on the forewings by drawing a series of short strokes on the sides of the circles. Use short strokes for a furry texture on the emperor moth's wings. The pattern should have a diagonal orientation.

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