How to Draw an Emperor Moth Wings Insect Guide Lines

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined emperor moth drawing.

How to Draw an Emperor Moth Wings Insect 6

Step 6: Draw a series of short strokes along the path of the initial oval for the moth's furry thorax. Don't draw the strokes along the bottom edge of the circle. Draw them along the top side of the V-shaped line.

How to Draw an Emperor Moth Wings Insect 7

Step 7: At the top, draw a line that curves to the left for the first antenna. The head is hiding behind the thorax. Make the bottom part of the antenna thicker than the top. Draw a series of short lines along the moth's antenna for hair.

How to Draw an Emperor Moth Wings Insect 8

Step 8: To the right, draw the moth's other antenna as another line that curves to the right. Make the base of the antenna thicker. Draw a series of short lines along the antenna for extra hair.

How to Draw an Emperor Moth Wings Insect 9

Step 9: Darken the top, left guide but make the line curvier for the emperor moth's first forewing. The left tip of this line should dip down. Starting near the middle of the thorax, draw a line that slopes to the lower, left side. Now close off the shape on the left side. The moth's entire forewing should fit inside the top part of the initial guide.

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