Step 15: Under the horn on the left, draw a big diamond-like shape for another horn/ spike along the jaw. Add another spike under that to give the ice dragon more armor. Add one more diamond-like shape at the bottom for the last spike.
Step 16: Darken the initial lines that connect the head to the body to create the ice dragon's neck. Draw a series of small, triangle-like shapes along the left edge for the spikes on the neck. Draw a long, vertical line under the head and in the middle of the neck, for the separation of the dragon's scales. On the right side of the neck, draw a series of short, horizontal lines for the plate armor.
Step 17: Use the second line from the right as a guide to draw the ice dragon's first front leg. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the leg around it. Use curved lines as you draw the shape of the leg to emphasize the muscle structure. Sketch lightly at first. When you get the shape right, darken the lines. On the left side, at the elbow joint, draw a small, diamond-like shape for a spike. At the bottom, along the guide, draw three small triangular shapes for the dragon's claws.
Step 18: Draw the ice dragon's other front leg on the right side the same way. Draw the shape of the leg around the guide. Use curved lines for the muscles. At the bottom, on the right, draw a few small, triangular shapes for the claws. Add a couple of short, curved lines over the claws to create the dragon's toes.
Step 19: Darken the lower, right edge of the very first circle to create the ice dragon's chest. At the top of the chest, draw a triangle for the first armor plate. Below the triangle, draw long, curved vertical line to split the chest in two. Now draw a series of lines on either side that slope toward the middle to finish the plates of armor.