How to Draw a German Shepherd Dog Head Portrait 10

Step 10: Under the nose, draw a line that stretches to the right edge of the initial circle for the first part of the top lip. Draw the line lightly at first. When you get it right, darken it using short strokes for the fur. On the left side, draw a short, curved line for the other side of the top lip. The German shepherd dog's entire mouth should fit inside the small, initial circle. Leave space at the bottom for the next step.


How to Draw a German Shepherd Dog Head Portrait 11

Step 11: Under the mouth, draw a small, curved line made up of short strokes for the chin. Draw a series of short strokes to the right of the mouth for more detail on the shape of the German shepherd dog's muzzle.



How to Draw a German Shepherd Dog Head Portrait 12

Step 12: Draw a sloping line above the nose for the bridge of the muzzle. The line should basically go from the top, left side of the nose to the right side of the eye on the left.


How to Draw a German Shepherd Dog Head Portrait 13

Step 13: Darken the arc on the top, right side of the head to create the shape of the first ear. Make the bottom part of the ear come in toward the head a bit more and make the bottom lines curvier. Add a series of short strokes along the bottom of the ear for the furry base. Add some longer strokes within the shape of the German shepherd dog's ear for the fur found there.



How to Draw a German Shepherd Dog Head Portrait 14

Step 14: Use the arc on the top, left side of the head as a guide to draw the other ear the same way. Darken the shape of the arc but make the bottom part a bit curvier. Draw a couple of lines inside that are almost parallel to the outer shape to give the ear more structure. Add a series of short strokes along the inside for the bit of fur found there.

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