How to Draw a Tiger Laying Lying Down 15

Step 15: Use the main circle as a guide to draw the rest of the head. Use short strokes along the edges of the circle to create the shape of the head. As you darken the sides of the head, make the shape wider than the initial circle. Don't overlap the ears or the chin as you draw the short strokes for the head. Don't make these strokes too long, otherwise the tiger's fur will appear to be too shaggy.


How to Draw a Tiger Laying Lying Down 16

Step 16: Use the shape on the lower, right side as a guide to draw the tiger's first front leg. Follow the basic path of the guide but make the shape a bit wavier as you darken it. At the tip of the foot, draw a few short, curved lines to separate the individual toes. Make the overall shape of the leg a bit narrower in the middle to differentiate the top of the leg from the foot.



How to Draw a Tiger Laying Lying Down 17

Step 17: Use the curved line above as a guide to draw the other front leg the same way. Draw a couple of curved lines at the tip of the shape to separate the individual toes. Follow the basic path of the guide but make it curvier as you darken the line to create the shape of the tiger's leg.


How to Draw a Tiger Laying Lying Down 18

Step 18: Use the long, curved line on the left as a guide to draw the tiger's tail. Draw the shape of the tail around the guide line. The tip of the tail shouldn't extend farther to the right than the hind foot. The base of the tail should be slightly thicker than the tip.



How to Draw a Tiger Laying Lying Down 19

Step 19: Use the curved lines above the tail as a guide to draw the hind leg. Draw a couple of short, curved lines at the tip of the foot for the toes. Darken the path of the guide using short strokes for the tiger's fur. Add some short strokes to the left of the leg too.

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