How to Draw a Tiger Laying Lying Down 6

Step 6: Add the guide for the second half of the body by first making a small mark on the far left side. Now connect the small mark to the front part of the tiger's body using a couple of long, curved lines to form a big arc. Pay attention to the size of this arc in relation to the front part of the body. Don't make it too small. This guide should be similar to a giant letter U on its side. You can rotate your paper so that it's easier to draw.


How to Draw a Tiger Laying Lying Down 7

Step 7: To the right of the body, at the bottom, make a small mark for the first part of the guide for the front leg. Then connect the mark to the body using a curved line to form the guide for the first front leg. Make the tips of the lines longer and stretch them in toward the body. Behind this guide, draw a similar line as a guide for the tiger's other front leg.



How to Draw a Tiger Laying Lying Down 8

Step 8: On the left side, draw a long line that curves under the body as a guide for the tiger's tail.


How to Draw a Tiger Laying Lying Down 9

Step 9: Starting at the tip of the tiger's tail, draw a line that curves up and to the left as a guide for the hind leg. On top of that, draw a longer line that curves toward the top of the body, similar to the number 2. Add a shorter curved line on the lower, left side to complete the guide for the hind leg.



How to Draw a Tiger Laying Lying Down Guide Lines

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.

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