How to Draw Dalmatian Puppy 15

Step 15: Use the triangle on the right side as a guide to draw the Dalmatian's first ear. Follow the basic path of the guide but make the lines wavier for a more organic shape. Curve the bottom corner so that it's rounder. Add some short strokes at the top for fur. Use the angled line on the left as a guide to draw the other ear the same way. Follow the basic path of the guide but make the shape rounder as you darken the lines.


How to Draw Dalmatian Puppy 16

Step 16: Use the main circle as a guide to draw the rest of the Dalmatian's head. Draw the edge for the top of the head a bit lower than the circle. The line for the left side of the face should be wavier for the brow and cheekbone. Add a few short strokes inside the dog's head for a fur-like texture.



How to Draw Dalmatian Puppy 17

Step 17: Use the second line from the left as a guide to draw the first front leg. Follow the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the Dalmatian's leg around it. Bend the shape of the leg where the guide bends to indicate the joints. When you get the shape of the leg right, darken the lines.

Draw a series of short, curved lines at the bottom to split the individual toes. Pay attention to how the shape of the foot bends at the bottom and creates a bump on the right side. The Dalmatian's leg should be wide at the top and gradually get thinner toward the bottom. Keep the overall shape of the leg close to guide so that it's not so wide.


How to Draw Dalmatian Puppy 18

Step 18: Use the line on the far left side as a guide to draw the second front leg the same way. First lightly sketch the shape of the leg around the guide. Then, when you get the shape right, darken the lines. Use a couple of curved lines on the tip of the foot to create the Dalmatian's toes. The top, right side of this leg will be behind the first leg, so don't draw it.



How to Draw Dalmatian Puppy 19

Step 19: Use the line on the far right side as a guide to draw the first hind leg. Sketch lightly at first. When you get the structure of the leg right, darken the lines. The top, left side of the leg should overlap the guide for the Dalmatian's other hind leg.

The hind leg should be thicker at the top than the top of the front leg. When you draw the toes, make them a bit pointy to represent the dog's nails. As with the front legs, the shape of the leg should be wide at the top and gradually get thinner at the bottom. Add a couple of lines inside, near the middle, for more structure.

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