Step 10: Draw the giraffe's muzzle using the arc as a guide. The top lip extends to the outside of the arc, while the chin stays within it. Draw a small slit on the top part for the giraffe's nostril.
Step 11: Use the remaining lines and shapes to draw the rest of the head. Angle the top part for the brow and curve the bottom part for the jaw.
Step 12: Use the initial lines as guides to draw the giraffe's long neck. Use quick, short strokes all along the back side of the neck to represent the short mane.
Step 13: Use the initial lines as guides to draw the giraffe's hind legs. Draw lightly at first. When you like what you have, go ahead and darken it. The base of the giraffe's leg should be thicker. Draw a bump where the leg angles back for the joint and draw a line at the bottom for the giraffe's hoof. Do the same thing for the leg on the other side. Draw lightly at first, then darken it when you like what you have.
Step 14: Use the initial lines as guides to draw the giraffe's front legs. Use the same technique as with the hind legs. Remember to draw the bump for the joint and the line at the bottom for the giraffe's hoof. Finish up the leg on the other side the same way.