How to Draw Male Mandrill Baboon Monkey Walking 15

Step 15: Use the second line from the left as a guide to draw the arm on this side of the body. Follow the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the arm around it. The top of the mandrill's arm should be inside the body. When you get the shape right, darken the lines. The top part should be thinner than the bottom. Use short strokes along the right edge for hair. Draw a series of short lines along the bend of the guide for the fingers on the hand. Draw a few short lines on the fingers for extra detail on the skin.


How to Draw Male Mandrill Baboon Monkey Walking 16

Step 16: Use the line on the far left side as a guide to draw the mandrill's second arm the same way. First sketch the shape of the leg lightly around the guide. Then, when you get the shape right, darken the lines. Make the top part wide and then gradually get thinner toward the wrist. At the bottom, where the guide line bends, draw the fingers using a series of short, curved lines.


How to Draw Male Mandrill Baboon Monkey Walking 17

Step 17: Use the second line from the right as a guide to draw the leg that's on this side of the body. Follow the path of the guide as you lightly sketch the shape of the leg around it. When you get the shape of the leg right, darken the lines. Use short strokes for hair. Bend the shape of the leg to indicate a step forward. Make the top part wider than the bottom. Draw the monkey's toes along the bent path of the guide. The toes should be longer than the fingers.


How to Draw Male Mandrill Baboon Monkey Walking 18

Step 18: Use the line on the right as a guide to draw the other leg the same way. The top part of the leg will be behind the first leg, so only draw the visible lower half. At the bottom, curve the toes a bit more because of the position of the foot. Pay attention to the bend of the foot and how only the toes are touching the ground while the mandrill is taking a step.


How to Draw Male Mandrill Baboon Monkey Walking 19

Step 19: Use the remaining lines and shapes as guides to draw the rest of the mandrill's body. Use a series of short strokes along the basic path of the initial guides to create the furry body. As you draw the middle, dip the belly lower than the guide and use longer strokes for the shaggy coat. On the top, right side of the body, draw a triangle- like shape made up of short strokes for the tail. Mandrills actually have short tails, unlike Rafiki in The Lion King!

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