Step 10: Follow the path of the initial guide to draw the top edge of the beak. Make the line curvier as you darken it. Add a wavy line across the middle of the guide for the mouth. Now follow the path of the guide again to draw the lower edge of the beak. Draw a few curved lines to the right for the base of the Canada goose's beak. Draw a short slit within the top of the beak to create the nostril.
Step 11: Use the small circle as a guide to draw the rest of the head. Darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of the goose's head. Inside the head, on the bottom, right side, draw a curved shape for the color separation.
Step 12: Use the shape on the top, right side of the body as a guide to draw the Canada goose's first wing. Darken the left edge of the guide and add a little, thin arc in the middle for a feather. When you get to the top, draw a series of thin, long arcs along the path of the guide for the feathers. Tilt the individual feathers clockwise as you move down the path of the guide. Make the feathers smaller the farther down you go. At the bottom, the feathers should just be small bumps, and they should come in toward the body.
Step 13: Use the shape on the top left side of the body as a guide to draw the other wing the same way. First darken the left edge of the guide and a small arc near the middle for a feather. At the top, start drawing thin, long arcs along the guide's path for the goose's feathers. Make the arcs smaller the farther down you go. Don't overlap the first wing when you get to the bottom of the guide.
Step 14: Inside the wing on the right, draw a series of short strokes for more feathers. These short strokes should form long curved lines for the Canada goose's inner wing feathers. Inside the other wing, draw more short strokes that form a curved line for more feathers.