How to Draw Mythical Mythology Faun Satyr 20

Step 20: Darken the right side of the initial guide to complete the middle section of the torso. Draw a series of short, vertical strokes along the path of the initial guide for the lower half of the torso.


How to Draw Mythical Mythology Faun Satyr 21

Step 21: Use the shapes on the top, right side of the body as guides to draw the shoulder. Darken the outer edges of the guides to create the basic shape of the shoulder and top part of the arm. Add a few curved lines inside the shape of the faun's arm to define the muscle structure.


How to Draw Mythical Mythology Faun Satyr 22

Step 22: Use the other shapes on the right as guides to draw the rest of the arm and fist. Darken the outer edges of the guides to create the shape of the forearm and fist. As you darken the bottom edge of the small circle, make the line wavy for the knuckles. Draw a series of curved, overlapping lines on the left side of the fist for the faun's folded fingers.


How to Draw Mythical Mythology Faun Satyr 23

Step 23: Use the shapes on the top, left side as guides to draw the faun's other arm the same way. Darken the outline of the guides and add a few lines inside to define the muscles.


How to Draw Mythical Mythology Faun Satyr 24

Step 24: Use the shapes to the left of the body as guides to draw the rest of the arm and fist. First draw a small rectangular shape at the top of the circle for the thumb. Now darken the outer edge of the circle but make the bottom part wavy for the knuckles. Darken the initial sloping lines to create the faun's forearm and add some lines inside for the muscles. Add a few more lines under thumb for the folded fingers. Bend the small lines to create the joints in the fingers. The shape on the right of the fist should be small because that is the pinky.

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