Step 15: Above the eyes, draw a series of short strokes for the base of the faun's horns. The strokes should form an arc over the eyes and below the guides for the horns. Now use the lines on top of the head as guides to draw the shape of the horns. Follow the basic path of the guide as you draw the shape of the horn around it. Make the tip of the horns pointy and the bases thick. Fauns and satyrs are mythical creatures, so you can make the horns as long or short as you'd like.
Step 16: Use the arcs on the sides of the head as guides to draw the faun's ears. Darken the arcs and add a few lines inside the shape for a fur-like texture. The base for the ear on the right should be inside the head.
Step 17: Use the remaining lines as guides to draw the rest of the faun's head. Use a series of short strokes along the top edge of the initial circle for the hair. Darken the sides of the head to create the cheekbones. Under the mouth, draw a series of short strokes for a goatee. The bottom part of the goatee should extend farther out than the original guides. Darken the sides of the guides using short strokes for the jawline.
Step 18: Darken the line to the right of the head to create the neck. Use the initial oval under the head as a guide to draw the top part of the torso. Draw a series of lines under the head for the neck muscles and the clavicle. Split the shape of the oval to create the middle of the pectoral muscles. Darken the lower edge of the oval to create the bottom of the faun's chest.
Step 19: Below the faun's chest, draw two sloping lines for the bottom of the rib cage. Darken the left side of the guide. These rib lines should be on the left side of the torso. Under the rib cage, draw four short, curved lines for the ab muscles. On the right side, under the chest, draw a series of tiny curved lines for the rib muscles.