How to Draw Cute Little Cartoon Wolf Pup Cub Howling 11

Step 11: Add the hind foot by first drawing a short, curved line to the left of the front foot. Draw a longer horizontal line at the bottom for the bottom part of the wolf pup's foot and add the toe as a curved line. Above the foot, draw a semi-circular line that's made up of short strokes for the folded leg.


How to Draw Cute Little Cartoon Wolf Pup Cub Howling 12

Step 12: Draw a long, curved, broken line on the left side for the back portion of the wolf pup's furry body. Curve the line up at the bottom so that it ends under the leg. Add the left edge of the front leg too.

How to Draw Cute Little Cartoon Wolf Pup Cub Howling 13

Step 13: Draw a long, curved broken line starting on the lower, left side of the body for the wolf pup's tail. The base of the tail should be narrow, the middle thick and the tip pointy.


How to Draw Cute Little Cartoon Wolf Pup Cub Howling 14

Step 14: Using a pen or marker, carefully go over the lines to make your wolf pup drawing permanent. After inking, get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser.



How to Draw Cute Little Cartoon Wolf Pup Cub Howling

Final Step: Color your howling wolf pup drawing using color pencils, markers or even crayons! Use gray to create an outline on the face. Color the body gray except for the wolf's face, chest and paws. Use black for the nose but leave a strip blank for shine. Don't forget to pause the video to draw at your own pace.

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