Step 6: Add a smaller angled line above the first ear for the ear that's on the other side of the wolf pup's head.
Step 7: Below the bottom lip, draw a small line for the bottom of the head. Starting below the ear, draw a series of short strokes for the side of the wolf pup's tilted head. As you draw the furry strokes, curve them upward so that they meet the line at the top.
Step 8: Below the head, on the right side, draw a curved, vertical line that's made up of short strokes for the wolf pup's chest.
Step 9: Below the chest, add the wolf pup's front leg by first drawing a short line that curves at the bottom. Curve the line toward the left to create the bottom of the foot and add a curved line inside for the toe.
Step 10: Draw a similar shape to the right for the wolf pup's other front foot. Don't forget the toe!