How to Draw Cute Budige Budgerigar Parakeet Bird Color Blue 6

Step 6: Draw two short, curved lines on the bottom half of the body as guides for the parakeet's feet. The line on the right should be outside of the body, and the line on the left should be on the inside of the bird's body.


How to Draw Cute Budige Budgerigar Parakeet Bird Color Blue Initial Sketch

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.


How to Draw Cute Budige Budgerigar Parakeet Bird Color Blue 7

Step 7: Lightly sketch the budgie's eye inside the head as a small circle. Use the initial lines as guides for placement. When you get the shape and size of the eye right, darken the lines. Inside the eye, draw a small half- circle for the iris. Inside the iris, draw a tiny circle to represent glare. Add a series of curved lines around the eye for the bare skin found there.


How to Draw Cute Budige Budgerigar Parakeet Bird Color Blue 8

Step 8: Below the construction lines on the right side, draw a small shape for the top of the beak also called a cere. This shape should be similar to a small rectangle with rounded corners and sides. Inside the cere, near the top, draw a small circle for the budgie's nostril. Below the cere, draw the beak using a curved line on the right and a short, wavy line on the left that come to a point at the bottom. On the left side, above the wavy line, draw a few short strokes for the bird's fluffy feathers.


How to Draw Cute Budige Budgerigar Parakeet Bird Color Blue 9

Step 9: Use the circle as a guide to draw the rest of the budgie's head. Use quick, short strokes to darken the path of the circle and create the shape of the head. As you draw the right side of the head, curve the line in toward the beak to create the forehead. Follow the initial neck guide line on the right to draw the bottom part of the bird's head. Use quick, short strokes on the left side to complete the bottom of the head. The bottom part of the head should be a curved broken line. Don't connect the strokes.

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