Step 20: For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. Don't worry about erasing all of the guides. It's okay to leave some behind. Re-draw any final sketch lines you may have accidentally erased.
Final Step: Add some shading to your great horned owl drawing to give it more detail. Use a dark value to create a series of curved rows along the bottom half of the wings. The rows should gradually get thinner the lower they are on the wings. Now use a medium value for the rest of the bottom half of the wing. As you shade, use strokes that go in the general direction of the bird's wing.
The top part of the wing has speckled feathers, so draw a series of random squiggles here. Don't overthink it. Just add small, dark squiggles everywhere. Then add a medium value on top. For the owl's head, use a dark value around the ears and eyes and on the beak. Then add squiggles to the rest of the head except for a small section around the beak.
Continue drawing squiggles on the torso. Use a medium value for the legs and a dark value for the talons. Use a medium value for the owl's tail and add some lines to separate the individual feathers. Use a dark value to add a couple of curved rows along the bottom of the tail. Shade the other wing the same way as the first. First use a dark value to create the curved rows. Then use a medium value to cover the bottom part of the wing and squiggles for the top part. Add some more value to the sides of the bird's body and under the wings to give the shape more dimension and volume. Use reference for a more accurate drawing. Remember to pause the video to draw at your own pace.
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