Step 16: Add the lion's other hind leg by first drawing two short lines under the body. This leg is stepping forward, so the lower lines should slope toward the right. Add the foot and toes at the bottom using short, curved lines.
Step 17: On the top, left side of the body, draw a long curved line for the lion's tail. Add another parallel line to the left to make the tail thicker. Draw a series of curved lines around the end of the tail for the brush-like tip.
Step 18: Using a pen or marker, carefully go over the lines to make your drawing permanent. After inking, get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser.
Final Step: Color your cartoon lion drawing using color pencils, markers or even crayons! Use dark brown for the tip of the tail and mane. Add it lightly at first, then gradually go as dark as you'd like. Color the rest of the lion's body brown but leave the muzzle, underside and toes blank. Remember to add it lightly at first. Use light brown for the rest of the body except the nose and inside the mouth. Use red and brown for the inside of the mouth and nose, and pink for the lion's tongue.
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