Step 11: To the right, draw a couple of short, vertical lines for the first leg. Draw a small, W-shaped line at the bottom for the pig's feet. Add another line above it.
Step 12: Draw the pig's leg on the left the same way. A couple of vertical lines with a W-like shape at the bottom.
Step 13: Draw a short, curved line on the right for the bottom part of the cartoon pig's body. To the right of the head, draw a long line that curves down for the back portion of the body.
Step 14: Draw the hind leg the same way as the front legs. The pig's other hind leg won't be visible.
Step 15: Draw the cartoon pig's curly tail by first drawing a short line that curves into itself. Now make the tail thicker by adding a parallel line to the right. Finally add the tip as a curved line at the top.