Step 15: Use the diagonal line on the lower, right side as a guide to draw the house finch's tail. Follow the path of the guide as you draw the shape of the tail around it. The top or base of the tail should be thick, and the shape should gradually get thinner at the bottom. Add a few more lines inside the bird's tail for extra detail.
Step 16: Use the set of lines under the body on the right side as guides to draw the house finch's first foot. Draw a couple of short lines parallel to the initial guide for the top part of the leg. Now use the C- shaped line as a guide to draw the short toe pointing backward and the longer toe pointing forward. The tip of the bird's toes should come to a point. Draw two more to the left for a total of three pointing forward.
Step 17: Use the set of lines on the left as guides to draw the house finch's other leg the same way. Follow the path of the guides and draw the shape of the toes around it. The toes pointing forward should overlap each other somewhat because of the perspective.
Step 18: Use a couple of diagonal lines under the house finch's feet to create a branch. Don't overlap the lines for the feet. On the lower part of the branch, draw a few jagged lines to make it look like it's broken off.
Step 19: For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. You can also LIGHTLY erase some of the final lines so that the colors don't get too muddled with the graphite in the next step. Re-draw any final sketch lines you may have accidentally erased.
Final Step: House finches are colorful, so instead of the usual shading, color your drawing. Use brown to draw a series of stripes along the wing and for the feet and branch. Use brown to draw a few spots along the underside. Use a bit of gray on top of the brown too.
Use a bit of gray on the house finch's beak and color the pupil black. Use black and dark brown for the rest of the eye but leave the circle that represents glare blank. Now start coloring in the red section using red-orange. Lightly apply different shades of red right on top of each other until you get the color you like. Use red, red-orange, yellow-orange, brown and even pink! With every layer you add, press down a little harder with your pencil to blend the colors together.
Add dark brown and gray to the underside to create shadows. Use more gray for the beak too. Continue to add different shades of red to the top, and grays and browns to the bottom until the colors are blended. Coloring is time- consuming, so be patient and take breaks. For a simpler house finch drawing, just use a single shade of red. Use green, peach, and yellow for the branch and feet. Remember to pause the video to draw at your own pace.
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