Step 6: Draw two lines that connect the head to the body to form the guide for the pronghorn's neck. Now draw two longer lines that connect the first two circles to complete the guide for the body.
Step 7: Under the circle on the right, draw a long line that slopes to the right as a guide for the pronghorn's first front leg. Add another line to the left for the other leg. This line should slope the other way, and it should bend slightly.
Step 8: Draw a long diagonal line under the circle on the left as a guide for the first hind leg. This line should bend a bit in the middle and again at the bottom to indicate where the joints will be. Draw a long line to the right as a guide for the pronghorn's other hind leg. This line should bend at the middle.
That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.
Step 9: Lightly sketch the pronghorn's eye inside the head. The shape should be similar to a football. When you get the placement and size of the eye right, darken the lines. Add a line on top for the eyelid. Draw a couple of small lines inside for the eyeball and shade it in. Leave a small circle near the top of the eyeball blank to represent glare. Add a few more lines around the eye to represent the furry texture.