How to Draw a Tall Great Dane Dog 16

Step 16: Use the second line from the right as a guide to draw the front leg that's on this side. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the shape of the leg around it. The leg should be thickest at the top. Bulge the shape out a bit where the joints are. When you get the shape of the Great Dane's leg right, darken the lines. Draw a couple of short, curved lines at the bottom to separate the individual toes. At the tip of each toe, draw a tiny triangle-like shape for the dog's nails.


How to Draw a Tall Great Dane Dog 17

Step 17: Use the line on the far right side as a guide to draw the other front leg the same way. Follow the basic path of the guide as you draw the shape of the leg around it. Sketch lightly at first and only darken the lines when you get the leg's structure right. Draw the Great Dane's visible toes at the bottom by using a short, curved line.


How to Draw a Tall Great Dane Dog 18

Step 18: Use the line on the far left side as a guide to draw the Great Dane's first hind leg. The hind legs bend a lot more than the front legs, so follow the guides closely. The top of the leg should be wide, and it should gradually get thinner farther down. Don't forget to draw lightly as you follow the guide and only darken the lines when you get the shape right. Draw the dog's toes and the nails at the bottom using a few short lines.


How to Draw a Tall Great Dane Dog 19

Step 19: Use the last line under the body as a guide to draw the Great Dane's other hind leg the same way. Lightly sketch the shape of the leg around the guide, and then darken the lines when you get the structure right.


How to Draw a Tall Great Dane Dog 20

Step 20: Use the remaining lines as guides to draw the rest of the Great Dane's body. Simply darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the overall body shape. As you darken the guides , make the lines more curved and less rigid for a more organic feel. If you made your initial guides too thin or wide, now is the time to correct them to give your dog the proper body shape. Add a few quick, short strokes within the shape of the body to emphasize the muscle structure. This part isn't too necessary. You can skip these strokes if you'd like.

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