Draw Cute Cartoon Horse Pony Chibi Little Mini 6

Step 6: Below that line, draw a C-shaped line for the cartoon pony's muzzle. Sketch the shape of the muzzle lightly at first and darken the line when you get it right. The line should curl toward the eye to form the smile.


Draw Cute Cartoon Horse Pony Chibi Little Mini 7

Step 7: To the right of the muzzle, draw another curved line for the bottom part of the pony's head. This line starts out straight and then curls up on the right. Add a small circle inside the muzzle for the nostril.


Draw Cute Cartoon Horse Pony Chibi Little Mini 8

Step 8: Draw a curved line right on top of the face for the first part of the horse's mane. Continue drawing a series of curved lines to the right for the rest of the mane. The lines should be right above the eyebrow. This will be the bottom edge of the mane.


Draw Cute Cartoon Horse Pony Chibi Little Mini 9

Step 9: To the left of the mane, draw two curved lines that meet at the top for the ear. Add a line inside for extra detail on the ear.


Draw Cute Cartoon Horse Pony Chibi Little Mini 10

Step 10: Now draw a series of curved lines for the top part of the cartoon pony's mane. Curve this part of the mane high above the bottom part. The line should end to the left of the ear.

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