Draw a Growling Grizzly Bear Walking 15

Step 15: Follow the basic path of the initial U-shaped line to draw the rest of the growling grizzly bear's mouth. When you draw the bottom portion, extend the line all the way outside of the head for the big lower lip. The right edge of the mouth should be farther over to the left than the guide. Add a few extra lines around the mouth to emphasize the folds of skin.


Draw a Growling Grizzly Bear Walking 16

Step 16: Inside the mouth, draw a long curved line for the bear's tongue.


Draw a Growling Grizzly Bear Walking 17

Step 17: Darken the small arcs on top of the head to create the grizzly bear's ears. Use quick, short strokes to represent fur. Add a few more quick, short strokes within the shape of the ears for a more furry look.


Draw a Growling Grizzly Bear Walking 18

Step 18: Use a series of quick, short strokes along the edge of the initial circle to create the shape of the grizzly bear's head. Draw the bottom portion of the head a bit farther up than the initial guide. Add a few more quick, short strokes inside the head to make it furrier. These lines don't have to be perfect. Just add a few random squiggles inside the head to represent fur.


Draw a Growling Grizzly Bear Walking 19

Step 19: Use the second line from the left under the body as a guide to draw the front leg that's on this side. Draw the shape of the leg using quick, short strokes as you follow the basic path of the guide. The top part of the leg should be wide and the bottom part narrow. Curve the shape to the left to create the foot. Add four small, curved, triangle- like shapes at the tip for the claws. Grizzly bears have feet with five claws pointing forward, but from this angle only four should be visible.

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