Step 10: Draw the African cape buffalo's nose under the initial circle guide. Draw two small slits, one on each side of the guide line, for the nostrils. Draw a few lines around the nostrils for the rest of the nose's structure.
Step 11: Draw the rest of the African cape buffalo's muzzle using the U-shaped arc as a guide. Draw the mouth as a line under the nose and then the shape of the muzzle around the nose. Add the chin under the mouth using quick, short strokes for a fuzzy texture.
Step 12: Use the C-shaped lines as guides to draw the African cape buffalo's horns. Follow the basic path of the guide as you draw the bottom of the horn. Draw the top part of the horn and make the tip pointy. The base of the horn should be inside the top of the head. Draw the other horn in the same manner. Sketch the horn lightly at first to get the shape right. Use the top part of the initial circle as a guide to draw the base of the horn. Add some lines in between the horns for extra detail.
Step 13: Use the U-shaped arcs as guides to draw the African cape buffalo's ears. Follow the basic path of the arcs as you darken the lines and make the tips pointier. Add some lines within the shapes for the inner ear structure.
Step 14: Use the remaining shapes and lines as guides to draw the rest of the African cape buffalo's face. Add some lines within the shape of the head for extra detail. Use quick, short strokes as you draw the sides of the head for a furry texture.