Draw Dove 10

Step 10: Draw the eye as a small circle inside the head. Add a tiny circle on the side to represent glare. Add a big, dark dot in the middle of the dove's eye for the pupil and then shade the rest of the eyeball. Use a value that's lighter than the pupil for the rest of the eyeball. Draw a few lines surrounding the eye for extra detail.

Draw Dove 11

Step 11: Use the triangle-like shape as a guide to draw the dove's beak. Use quick, short strokes for the base of the dove's beak, then follow the path of the guide as you darken the top part of the beak. Add the rest of the base and draw the lower part of the beak. Draw a small slit at the top for the dove's nostril.

Draw Dove 12

Step 12: Use the original circle as a guide to draw the rest of the dove's head. Follow the basic path of the guides as you darken the lines to create the top of the head. When drawing the lower part of the dove's head, curve the line inward more to create the neck.

Draw Dove 13

Step 13: Use the initial lines as guides to draw the wing on the left. Follow the path of the guide as you darken the line to form the top part of the dove's wing. Draw the bottom of the wing by using a series of curved lines along the basic path of the guide. The small curved lines represent the individual feathers on the dove's wing. Don't worry about drawing a precise number of feathers. Just add the curved lines as best you can. The feathers should be closer together and smaller the closer they get to the bird's body. Draw a few lines near the top edge of the shape for the wing's structure.

Draw Dove 14

Step 14: Use the other set of lines as guides to draw the dove's wing on the other side. Darken the top of the wing. Then follow the path of the guide as you draw the individual curves for the dove's feathers. Pay attention to the change in direction of the feathers as you draw them along the path.

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