Draw Puppy Dog 10

Step 10: Draw the ears by first lightly sketching triangle-like shapes on the sides of the head. Bend the lines as you darken them to give the ears a floppy look. Draw a few lines within the puppy dog's ear for extra detail.

Draw Puppy Dog 11

Step 11: Use the original circle as a guide to draw the rest of the puppy's head. The line for the side of the puppy's face should be wavy to indicate the shape of the face. Follow the basic path of the circle as you draw the top and bottom of the head using quick, short strokes.

Draw Puppy Dog 12

Step 12: Using the lines on the left as guides, draw the puppy's front legs. Lightly sketch the shape of the first leg as you follow the path of the line. When you get the structure of the puppy's leg right, darken the lines. Draw a couple of curved lines at the tip of the foot for the toes. Draw the leg on the other side the same way. The top of the leg should be thick and get thinner at the bottom.

Draw Puppy Dog 13

Step 13: Use the lines on the right as guides to draw the hind legs. Lightly sketch the shape of the leg on the far right as you follow the path of the guide. Darken the lines only when you have the structure right. Draw the hind leg on the other side using the same technique. The puppy's hind legs should be thicker at the top than the front legs.



Draw Puppy Dog 14

Step 14: Draw the rest of the puppy dog's body and the tail using the remaining lines as guides. Draw using quick, short strokes as you follow the path of the guides for a fuzzy texture.

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