Draw Red Panda 10

Step 10: Draw the rest of the muzzle by using the small circle as a guide. Draw the red panda's mouth under the nose using quick, short strokes. Then continue adding strokes on top as you follow the path of the circle. Add more strokes at the bottom for the chin.

Draw Red Panda 11

Step 11: Use the triangle-like shapes on the red panda's head as guides to draw the ears. Use quick, short strokes as you follow the path of the lines for a fuzzy feel. Add a few strokes inside the shape too.

Draw Red Panda 12

Step 12: Use the original circle as a guide to draw the rest of the red panda's head. Use quick, short strokes as you follow the basic path of the circle to give the head a fuzzy texture. Make the head more oval-shaped too.

Draw Red Panda 13

Step 13: Add a few shapes inside the head using quick, short strokes to give the red panda its distinctive markings. Just draw a couple of long shapes above the red panda's eyes and a longer shape on each cheek.

Draw Red Panda 14

Step 14: Use the lines on the right as guides to draw the red panda's front legs. Lightly sketch the shape of the leg as you follow the path of the line. When you get the structure right, darken the lines. Red pandas have big paws, so draw them pretty wide. Draw a couple of curved lines at the end for the toes. Draw the foot on the other side by using the other line as a guide. Make this foot a bit smaller because of the perspective.
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