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Step 10: Use the shape on top of the hyena's head as a guide to draw the ear. Darken the top of the shape and extend the lines down toward the inside of the head. Draw the fur inside the ear by drawing quick, short strokes inside the shape. Draw the visible portion of the ear on the other side.
Step 11: Draw the rest of the head using the circle as a guide. Use quick, short strokes at the top of the head to represent the fur that sticks up. Draw the hyena's lower jaw and a few lines inside the head for extra detail.
Step 12: Using the lines as guides, draw the hyena's front legs. Lightly sketch out the shape of the first leg as you follow the path of the line. When you get the structure right, darken the lines. Be sure to draw the small joint on the lower part of the leg. The top of the leg should be thick and get thinner at the bottom. Draw the hyena's paw and claws using a series of curved lines. Draw the leg on the other side by following the path of the other line. Draw lightly at first to get the structure right. Draw the joint near the bottom and bend the foot slightly forward. Draw the hyena's paw and claws at the bottom.
Step 13: Now use the other lines as guides to draw the hind legs. Remember to sketch lightly at first as you follow the guide line. The top of the hyena's hind leg should be thicker than the top of the front leg. There should be a more noticeable bend at the joint. Darken the lines once you get the structure right. Draw the paws and claws. The toes are created by drawing two small, curved lines. The claws are basically tiny triangles. Now draw the leg on the other side using the same technique. Make the top thicker than the bottom and bend the foot at the joint.
Step 14: Draw the rest of the hyena's body by using the remaining lines as guides. Use quick, short strokes at the top of the neck to indicate the mane-like fur that sticks up. Draw the tail on the right side using quick, short strokes too.